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jessmatz wrote:
4/24/2008 9:48 PM CDT

ColbyCo wrote:
Great biography!!!! Thanks so much for the many interesting details! Looking forward to more posts - Your former Roomie, Colby
4/25/2008 2:17 AM CDT

CYaklin wrote:
Jeez. I feel like I've led such a boring and sheltered life! You've had quite the ride...
4/25/2008 8:13 AM CDT

Siddamom wrote:
How it is everytime I messed with someone else's man I got pissed on by the universe, and you got your soulmate????


(I know, it wasn't intentional.....mine wasn't either! I'm so bitter)

Yes, what a ride you've had, and it's still happening!
4/25/2008 10:58 AM CDT

JenniferIB wrote:
What an incredible window into your life -- thank you for sharing this! No wonder all of your posts that include Nick are so great -- you got the one of a lifetime! I am glad for you, and will be glad to hear more about your sweet Elias too. ;)
4/25/2008 8:06 PM CDT

Following Elias wrote:
I do feel lucky that the world somehow brought Nick and I together...and my breath still catches when we lock eyes.
4/27/2008 2:47 PM CDT

sylvandmike wrote:
what a great series! it's fun to hear your side of the story, since i only know from nick's side =)
4/29/2008 3:10 PM CDT

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