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Just making sure there aren't too many hoops to jump through in order to comment..seems easy so far.

I didn't know the story. I'm glad you just shared it here. The photo of him above is beautiful!

Welcome to the new site. And congrats on Week 25! May you have 15 weeks more :)

YAY! Your new site is up! I will definitely be commenting here since it is so easy!

I love this picture of E, Christy. It's neat how your other typepad blog is linked in such a way that I can see 2.5 yr old pix of him next to 5 yo. He really is a little boy now. Not that that's a new thing, it's just that it's so clear with the new/old photo comparisons.

Great new site. I will be checking in to keep up with my special people. It was wonderful to see all of you in July. Love and hugs to all 3+ Judy

What a beautiful photo. Thanks for linking me in.

After a storm comes a calm.

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