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Fingers and toes crossed for Olive's continued gestation!

Here is to hoping that you are just entering the uncomfortable stage of pregnancy and no real contractions. If remembering 30 weeks is when I started to get the fun twinges of pain and the Braxton Hicks started another week or so later. I also started loving that body pillow DH had gotten me when it was time to sleep and I need something to support the belly.

I hope that you get to gestate a few more weeks, but yeah for the 30s! And I still think you made the right decision to not work right now. Rest is the most important thing, and less stress is good too. I hope we hear good news from you this afternoon. In any event, happy 30 weeks!

congrats on 30! anxiously awaiting an update!

yay to blocks and socks and a belly chock full of big growing baby kept in without a lock and of course yay to friends that rock! crossing my fingers for your appointment that starts in ten minutes...

Yay!! You look gorgeous in your glow. Here's to another 10 weeks! Much love to you all.

30 weeks -- hooray!

Thinking of you guys, Christy, and praying for the best.

Crossing my fingers that little Olive stays put for at least 6 more weeks. Your strength through this pregnancy has been amazing. Elias is full of life and the excitement that new learning brings. Here's to full term pregnancies and beating the odds.

Wahooo for 30w!!! That is awesome. Like I have said before I want you to get to the point that you are BEGGING us to stop praying for your cervix to stay strong and let you have the baby already :P (38wish)

Yipee!!!!! Go, Olive, go!!!

You're making me cry!! Elias is so amazing.. and Olive.. oh sweet 30 weeks. love to all of you-

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