As the day of Olive's birth nears I thought I'd share the "birth plan" I gave to my doctor last month:
Christy and Nick’s Birth Hopes for Baby
(Olivia Everett Jordan)
Our son Elias was born in
2004, via emergency c-section, between 24 and 25 weeks gestation, with Christy
under general anesthesia and Nick outside in the waiting room. He spent 94 days
in the NICU and has multiple disabilities as a result of his premature
birth--because of this experience, our birth “plan” reads as follows:
1) Whatever is needed for the health of baby Olive comes
2) Christy would like to be in control of her own pain
management, with hopes for a natural delivery, and with as few medications/
interventions as possible.
3) Whatever is needed for the health of baby Olive
comes first
4) We would like to be participants in all decisions made
during labor and birth. Please give us time to discuss interventions if
5) Whatever is needed for the health of baby Olive
comes first
6) We want
to hold our baby for as long as possible before any medical procedures are
done; Nick hopes to cut the cord and we are saving Olive’s cord blood. (Please
ask for kit if we forget to give it to you.)
7) Whatever is needed for the health of baby Olive
comes first
8) Breast-feeding and kangaroo care are very important to
9) Whatever is needed for the health of baby Olive
comes first
We value the professional staff at Providence and
your philosophy of family centered care: Thank you for working with us as part
of our team during this life-changing process.
That's the "plan" Stan. What do you think? Clear enough?
And in case I don't get a chance to write again, Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate the holiday, and happy every day to everyone! We hope to head out to Palmer tonight (45 minutes north of here, in the valley, next to, you-betcha, the infamous town of Wasilla) to spend some relaxing time with my in-laws. I'm looking forward to the get-away that's not too far away in case Olive decides its time.
She and Elias are so lucky to have you and Nick as parents. Have a great Thanksgiving. I'll check in with you after the holiday to see how I can help out.
Posted by: Faye | 11/25/2009 at 01:23 PM
That's the most perfect plan possible.
And that's twice today that I have welled up thinking about you and Olive on the way - I am just so darned overwhelmed with lots of stuff for you all!
(The first time was just one of those random moments when you came to mind while I was driving somewhere.)
Happy Happy Thanksgiving to you - we're having a seafood one as the oven died a sudden death last week. Dang, it's lobster rather than turkey for dinner ;)
Posted by: Sara | 11/25/2009 at 03:37 PM
Sounds perfect!!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!!! Give Olive some extra Turkey!!
Posted by: Renee | 11/25/2009 at 03:49 PM
Wishing you all a very wonderful Thanksgiving.
Posted by: Niksmom | 11/25/2009 at 04:43 PM
Looks great! Many good wishes and Happy Thanksgiving from MN!
Posted by: Gina | 11/26/2009 at 02:00 AM
That is an excellent birth plan - as you well know, plans can go awry, and the health of that baby comes first, with you a VERY close second! all of us out here in cyberspace can't wait for Olive to arrive...Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!
Posted by: Ginny | 11/26/2009 at 04:00 AM
Sounds like a great birth plan! Can't wait to hear about her safe arrival. Given all that's passed, I think it would be more than fitting for her to be a Thanksgiving baby ;-).
Posted by: Dianne | 11/26/2009 at 11:52 AM
Right here with the tears welling up, too. I'm so excited for her and for you all as this moment draws near. I hope that the team reads the plan and reads it well -- and then doesn't need to know any of it because everything is so uncomplicated. I love you! Happy Thanksgiving!
Posted by: Ginna | 11/27/2009 at 05:41 PM
mmmmm lobsta!!! It costs a small fortune here in AK and makes me miss New England. I bet it was just as yummy and fun to eat as turkey.
Thanks all for supporting the "plan". No baby yet and I'm beyond curious about how she will actually arrive but willing to wait a little longer.
Posted by: Christy | 11/27/2009 at 09:40 PM