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Hi Christy,

Just writing to congratulate you on getting so far! Sorry, I can't be much (any) help, as I never got past 37 weeks with either of my two little girls (not so little, one turns 8 in 4 weeks, the other will be 6 in April), not to mention my eldest, who was stillborn at 23 weeks...
But I'm sure you'll just "know" - it's something to do with our subconscious, ancestral memory... You'll know when it's time!
Good luck!

Dunno if it will help much since I had a preemie too...Two months before my due date. Random crampage, nothing out of the ordinary. Went to bed and woke up at 2AM to my water breaking. More random crampage that escalated into labor. I was in the hospital by then. They tried to stop labor but that didn't work. My son was born almost 24 hours to the minute after I woke up.

You're term!! WOW!!

Unfortunately I had to be induced because my daughter was 2 weeks PAST her due date. Since I was on pitocin I hear the contractions are a bit more painful than the increasingly more painful regular kind. Take no chances - if you think it's time - 5 - 7 minutes apart - it's time!

Good luck and I am so very happy you made it to term! That is just so wonderful!!

Hooray!! 38 weeks is great!

Kid #1: I thought I was having whomping gas pains. Finally, about 11pm I woke up suddenly...sat straight up in bed, grabbed my husband and shook him awake and said "I'm in labor!" The contractions weren't that bad, I just knew something had shifted and changed. It was TIME.

Kid #2: She gave a huge kick to my cervix and my water broke. Contractions were immediate and very, very hard and painful.

Kid #3: Contractions were very gradual, but I'd felt enough of them at this point that I knew when the "real" ones started. I was also able to stay home longer, walking and rocking.

I hope your labor (today or later) goes smoothly..can't wait to cyber-meet baby Olive.

sounds to me like the time is quite near and you are in early early labour, 10 years of labour and delivery and NICU nursing is telling me that. I hope it happens sooner than later since throwing up and not sleeping is never fun!

With my first I was having back pain and throwing up. Suddenly I realized that those back pains where about 3-5 minutes apart. It was the VERY beginning of labor and they wouldn't have even kept me except Lorelei's heartbeat was dropping a little with each contrax (she was fine) so the did keep me and gave me potocin. She ended up being a c-sec about 24 hours later.
With my second he was a scheduled c-sec. With him though I did have some issues with pre term labor. I didn't even FEEL those contrax. I was have a NST cause I had fallen a few weeks earlier and had to be monitored every other day for a few weeks. On my LAST NST I was having contrax that I wasn't feeling every 10min. I had to get TWO shots of turb before they stopped and had to go for MORE NST, just when I thought I was done with them!!!

I will stop sending my cervix of steel vibes on the 2nd so Olive can have the same birthday as your dad. Sounds like she is one her way!

with my first we called up the hospital and spoke to the labour and delivery folks because we weren't sure when to go to the hospital. With my second I was headed into to the hospital to get a little help with labour that had been on and off for 5 days, he was well on his way by the time we got there even though I didn't know it, born an hour after arrival. My third was born at home 17 days after my due date, I took castor oil. My fourth was born about 10 days late, I took homeopathics to bring on that labour. My fifth and only girl was born at home the day after her due date, I kept dismissing contractions because labour started on her due date and my others had all been at least a week late. We called the midwife because we weren't sure if I was really in active labour and she came in anyways.
I think you will know when labour gets active and this won't be an emergency:) You will have time to talk to the nurses at the hospital or your doctor to find out what they recommend and when.

You will just know. Everyone says that, and I didn't believe it either, but really, you will just know. Your body is programmed to know. Don't worry. Good luck!!

My water broke in the middle of the night for #1 and #2 and with #3, I'd had enough experience to know the difference between Braxton Hicks and real labor pains. I didn't feel hungry the day before each of them was born too. I am no doctor but your symptoms sound like labor to me! What a Christmas this will be!

Baby number four and I am contracting now every 4-6 minutes apart wondering if I am in labor or not, I have never "known"...

I'm not really sure when my labor officially stated. Got up around 9 am, took a shower thought DD was kicking rather well. The day before I was about 4 cms and don't remember if I was effaced. Took a shower thinking it would help some as I was having some back pains, but then I was having back pains for the past few months. Went to drop off my management keys I was suppose to be induced the next day, and my District Manager wouldn't let me eat just in case. I had called the doctor because honestly I had no idea if they were Braxton hicks or not, they told me to stop by the hospital just in case.

Got to the nurses station about 12:20 and told them I think I might be in labor, they gave me a room and one decided to check telling me not to be disappointed if her measurements were less then the midwives at the practice since the midwife tended to be nice with her measurements. Yea I was over 8 cms and again don't remember the effacement.

A bit after that I really did feel the contractions, and yea her checking apparently finished breaking my water, since apparently it had started to leak when I had gone to the bathroom before going to the nurses station. At that point they called the doctors office, the doctor was already on the way for a C-section so she stopped by my room first in time to check, tell me to push (about 3-4 pushes and DH holding a leg since the other nurse didn't get there in time) there she was at 1:13.

Things I loved about my labor, the nursery wasn't ready yet so she got her first feeding right then and daddy got to hold her for about 10 mins before carrying her to the nursery.

Things I didn't like, everything happened so fast that no one was talking to me, and for someone who needs to know it all, not knowing what was happening wasn't nice.

With the next one, I know not to take a chance, if I think I could be we will be going. If I hadn't had to drop off those keys, or if there had been a bridge opening I'm not sure we would have made it to the hospital. At the same time, some of the back pain I had with her head butting my spine, was worst then the labor pains.

Oh and the answer my doctor gave me when I asked the appointment before when I would know was.... "when you can't talk through them," that was BS, I can talk through anything and it was a good thing as I was answering history and insurance questions up to the pushing.

Ooh, wish I had something helpful to say. Just thinking good, healthy L&D thoughts for you.

With my first, the pain was all in my back; I thought I'd just walked too much that day. For the second, it was "normal" belly contraction type things. Can't say that I ever "knew" it was time. Just timed them and went in when they were about 5ish minutes apart.

And don't think I'll ever get the phrase "cervix of steel" out of my mind. Yikes.

You'll do great. Fingers crossed for 12/2 delivery. Isn't that your dad's bday?

With both, I went to the hospital when I had contractions that were 3-5 minutes apart for one hour.

Xander: That hour came after two days of inconsistent back labor. I was only 3cm when I got to the hospital, but he was born 10 hours later.

Jona: My labor started up much quicker. After only two hours of contractions 8-10 minutes apart, I started having them 3-5 minutes apart. I was only 3-4cm when I got to the hospital, but he was born only 4 hours later.

I'm really glad I went in after just one hour of 3-5 minute contractions. If I had waited until they were fairly painful, I might have had Jona in the car on the way there! The first time, I didn't know what to expect. The second time, I was a little more aware about what to expect, but things went much quicker. I think the one hour of 3-5 minute contractions is definitely the way to go, especially since we all have a different tolerance for pain.

YAY 38 weeks!!! We can't wait to meet you, little Olive!

What I thought was Braxton Hicks contractions kept my husband and I at home one cold January evening at around 38 weeks. Woke up at about 2 AM feeling a stronger contraction (Braxton Hicks never woke me up before) and I got up and went to the bathroom. On the way back to bed my water broke suddenly and with a splash, just like in the movies and how they say it rarely happens in real life. No painful contractions yet so I actually did make my husband a cup of coffee as per his sleepy request (he has not lived this one down yet) and off to the hospital we went. Lucas was born 12 hours later in the middle of the biggest blizzard in Boston since '78.

If it is the start of labor, hope it all goes smoothly!

For me, I was convinced I would go over because my mom went 3 weeks over with both my brother and me. I had an appointment at 39 weeks and the doctor took one look at me and said from the was I was acting I would have the baby by the weekend. I didn't believe him, but that night irregular contractions started. The next night, I had my water break with a big obvious gush, so that was a pretty clear sign! I gave birth the following night -- hopefully Olive won't be quite as slow as my son. At the time, I thought 3 nights without sleep was bad. How was I to know I wouldn't sleep through the night again for almost 3 years? :-)

Good luck!

Period like cramps were a definite with me for my first.

For the second, waters broke a good 6 hours before I had even the slightest contraction.

It's different every time. But YOU WILL KNOW and it is just about time.

Wishing you all the best for a wonderful birth experience!!


I didn't go into spontaneous labour until I was pregnant with my third child. My daughters were both late and induced, so without the safety of a hospital bed when the contractions started, I felt very vulnerable with labouring my son at home. My water broke at midnight and I promptly freaked the heck out...my husband had to do a LOT to calm me down.

Congratulations Christy on coming this far with little Olive. I can't wait to meet her and continue reading about your bigger family.

I knew I was in labor because the contractions were stronger than they had been before, and they were regular. My water started leaking early on, and with each contraction I felt a little gush of water. I think when they started they were 30 or so minutes apart, but they were still regular and just kept getting stronger and closer together. I just knew! I'm so excited for you and I'm thinking warm amazing birthing thoughts for you. I can't wait to meet little Olive.

With #1 I had been restless and uncomfortable for a few hours when my water started leaking in a pretty steady flow around 1 pm, so I spent the day walking trying to increase/strengthen the contractions. I went to the hospital at 8 in the evening. They admitted me and broke my water and started pitocin the next morning around 9. Around 5 centimeters at 12:30pm I requested an epidural and was pushing just over 30 minutes later. Three pushes later and my first son was born.

With #2 he was measuring quite large so I was induced a couple days early. My doctor approved my epi at 3 cm (basically as soon as the contractions got regular) and the nurse refused to give it to me until I progressed further. I explained that I dilate much faster once I'm pain free and relaxed. She procrastinated for a couple hours and finally gave me the epi, but not a catheter. An hour later my OB checked me and told the nurse the baby couldn't descend any further until my bladder could empty. Within 30 minutes of being cathed I was ready to push, but my son's abnormally large head prolonged the process a bit. It took about 40 minutes to push him out, but it was worth the extra work. From the start of the medication to induce to delivery was just over 13 hours. With both boys I was dilated to a 3 for weeks before they were born. I am 16 weeks with #3 and can't wait to see how his or her labor progresses!

It sounds like your body is either prepping you for labor very soon or that you are in early labor. I am so excited for you to get to experience delivering a term baby! Good luck to you, Nick, Elias and baby Olive in the coming days!

OH my gosh! You sound like you are in early labor! Which, could last awhile, but probably won't for you. :) I think you know my story pretty well ....much different than how yours will turn out it is sounding! I am so excited for you Christy. Sounds like Olive may be there before I get back home, can't wait to meet her! You will be a beautiful laboring mama...just remember, lots of deep breaths and that each contraction is one contraction closer to the birth of your beautiful baby girl!!! Love you!

I think that by the time you read this you will be holding a little girl in your arms. I had all of those things you just described (except the throwing up)and just a gradual increase of contractions over the course of the day. I also had the early morning burst of nesting energy urging me to rush around and get everything done and sure enough 24 hrs. later Liam was born. People told me, "trust your instincts" and they were right.

I was in the hospital every day for a week, convinced I was in labor because contractions were waking me up every night for several weeks and sometimes they were 2-3 minutes apart. I was less than 1 centimeter dilated. I was scheduled for a c-section because the baby was measuring BIG and I didn't want to be in an emergency situation so I went in...every day. So, I guess I didn't just know. I also never got to that point on my own - induced the first time and a c-section the second time. Good luck!!!

I am pretty sure that you will know when you are actually in labor.... my first one took 12 hours and was pretty slow and steady but I was in the hospital for most of it as my water broke and she had meconium (spelling) so they monitored my delivery.... I was crampy, like period cramps, for the beginning of each of my labors... but unlike the braxon-hicks contractions that I had been having, these intensified with time. My first daughter dropped so low that I felt as if I was walking around a bowling ball for a day or two before I had her. Second two .. never dropped.

I always tried to convince myself that my kids would all be late so I wouldn't go so crazy waiting at the end. My third girl, apparently the one and only time she actually listened to me (smile), was in utero and she was late by three days.

I've only gone into labor once - other two were induced. But with the first one, I lost my mucus plug and started getting crampy. 24 hours later, they were definitely contractions - and you WILL know when you've gone into labor! I remember our childbirth class nurse said that when you start getting really cranky, it's time to go to the hospital.

I think you're getting there, Christy! Good luck!

Oh I can't wait to hear that baby Olive has made her grand entrance!!!

I actually have no clue what it feels like to "go into labor". I had pre-eclampsia with my first, and they had to induce me 2 weeks early.

Then, with my second, I went in for my 8 month appt and was informed that I was already 5 cm (and hadn't felt a thing) and I should go to the hospital...they officially started my labor when I got there.


Hi Christy! With Santino my Husband and I were going for long walks etc to get my contractions going. I began feeling the braxton hicks contractions and then they became more and more regular starting thursday and he was finally born Monday. So even when you start getting contractions you've still got a while till you are ready to give birth. They always make it look so urgent in the movies, but it's really not like that at all. A lot of waiting around and deep breathing mostly. LOL

Congratulations on 38 weeks!!!!

I was having a lot of BH for the last week and the day I went into labor I just felt different. I couldn't pinpoint why. I was already on maternity leave and called my husband to come home early. We took a long walk and my water broke not long after.

Good luck!!

Well I'm still home this morning to read all your stories. Its really helpful to hear all your different experiences even if it does show that there is no one way for it all to begin and that labor can be so different from woman to woman. Thank you so much for sharing! I'll keep you posted...

My only sign was that my water broke. If I had a contraction before that time, braxton-hicks or otherwise, I didn't recognize it.

Wow, you may not get to finish reading all these notes before heading of to the hospital! (Give little Olive a kiss for all of us, btw.)

I, too, had to be induced (41 weeks, bigger than my house, or so it felt). I was -- and still am -- disappointed to miss a natural labor. But, I did get to feel natural contractions earlier in pregnancy, and they were definitely like menstrual cramps. Even in the induced labor, there was an element of cramps, just worse.

Just think, in a few weeks, you will be cradling little Olive in your arms... AT HOME!

my first two were induced so I too wondered if I would know when labor was starting, but with baby #3 I'd had weird cramps for probably a month beforehand but then one day it just seemed a little different. Later that day, in the evening, I tried laying down and tracking these "cramps" and they weren't very regular but they were consistant-- as in they didn't go away when I changed activities, as they always had before. I called my doc after a few hours of this and since I live an hour away from the hospital she said to go ahead and come in (if it wasn't real labor, I was far enough along they'd help it out I guess). i'm glad we got in the car when we did, because they started to HURT! still not perfectly regular but increasing in intesnsity even if not in time. Sure enough, it was labor and my baby girl was born a few hours after checking into the hospital.

So i guess my advice is, if things continue (even if not perfectly regular) despite changes in position/activity, and increase in intensity (hurting!) then chances are you're gonna meet your little girl soon! I'm excited for you whenever it ends up happening!

My most recent labor (my third) was the most exciting. Labor lasted a total of 2 hours. I had a planned home birth and my husband arrived home 30 minutes before the baby came. The midwife arrived 12 minutes before the birth, walking in my bedroom just as my water broke and the baby crowned. I didn't realize I was in labor until it was almost too late. You can read the whole story on my blog: http://20somethinghousewife.blogspot.com/2009/10/malachis-birth-story.html

Oh, Hurrah, Hurrah, so glad I found you again! Can't wait to hear the birth story - sounds like it will be VERY soon!

No advice or story from me, as Curious Girl joined us through adoption--but I just wanted to leave a note saying I'm sending lots of love out into the ether for you, and I know that you, Nick, and Elias will be ready to give Olive all the love and help she needs as she enters the world.

I have been reading, but haven't commented in a while--I am SO thrilled for you that you and Olive have made it this far in good health, and I'm praying for a smooth, uneventful, and joyous delivery!

How I knew my labor was starting was super-easy--at 40 weeks and 1 day, I woke up at 1:30AM with an urge like I needed to pee, and suddenly my water broke. I called the on-call OB, went to the hospital and got checked in, and was still only having mild contractions at 7AM. They put me on pitocin to speed things up, and I asked for an epidural as the contractions strengthened, but when I was fully dilated, I felt pain. Once I started pushing, though, the pain stopped, and I pushed for 15-20 minutes before my son was born.

As for earlier signs--I had Braxton-Hicks off & on for about a week before my water broke, for whatever that's worth.

Good luck! Can't wait to read a birth story here! :-)

Yay! I am so excited for you! My daughter was born at 38 weeks to the day. Woke up with back pain and kept denying it was labor until I put all the pieces of the puzzle together. Peeing and pooping all morning, back pains getting stronger, losing mucus... By 3pm I couldnt keep track of my contractions (still in the back), left for hosp at 530 after puking and was 80% effaced, 5cm. She was born just before 11pm. I hadn't dilated or effaced at all 3 days before that, so I was shocked to figure out I was actually in labor. All the signs will point to it :) You'll know. Good luck, I'll be thinking of you!

Okay...I'm ready for an update! You're bringing your computer to the hospital, right? xo

Just checking to see if Olive is here yet! :)

I'm no help. I was never in labor, just an urgent c-section for oligohydramnios and lack of fetal movement at 32 weeks. But I bet you'll know!

I actually had contractions on and off for 2 days and I would walk 1/2 mile and they would keep going and then I would sit down to take a breath and they would stop. Then I realized that my stomach felt like it was solid while contracting and I couldn't talk through them anymore. Time for the hospital! With my first I had a sudden high blood pressure and had to be induced and didn't get to "let it happen". I am just so happy for you that you get this full-term pregnancy to experience and enjoy!

With my first, I wasn't terribly sure--my midwife had me go in after 24 hours of not so difficult, pretty far apart contractions.

With my second, I knew--they came on hard and fast.

Wishing you a safe delivery and a healthy little girl!

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