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Happy New Year to you and yours. I hope it brings peace and rest and many fewer worries.

Olive is adorable!

Hi Christy,
Wow! What a couple of weeks you guys have had. I am happy to be able to picture where you are and what you are doing. Sleep, eat, nurse, poop, change diaper, try to explain to Elias what is going on, repeat. What a lovely sunny day today! Look forward to seeing you soon. Liz

It sounds like you are up to those things that you need to be. I am glad that you feel a little better. Don't worry about those boxes, they can wait...and wait...and wait. Be with your family. Valerie

Glad to hear that you are feeling a bit better. Is there anything we can help you with? Have a wonderful New Year's.

Happy New Year. More good things await!

Happy New Year! Happy to hear things are going well!

Happy New Year Christy! Enjoy your beautiful Olivia and snuggle her sweetness every chance you get. Rest as much as you can and rely on others more than your driven self usually allows you to. Elias will come around and learn to love (and tease) Olive as time goes by. The boxes will get unpacked eventually and you have the most important things right by your side: family, friends, and love.

Have a wonderful New Year's and congratulations once again!

Wonderful that Olivia's here safely, you're starting to feel better, and you have family and friends to help. So glad you're over some of the hurdles. Congratulations!

Wow! What a lot of changes. I think Elias will love it soon. It is so hard to have a new sibling. I think asking why she came out is a VERY grown up boy way of growing with it. My grandmother always tells about how my mother whacked her over the head with a toy pan when she was nursing her new little brother. She knew she would get in trouble for hitting the baby so she hit her mommy instead.

Happy New Year! Had a wonderful chat with your parents today and can't wait to see them in February. You just need to take a deep breath and enjoy the moment. Things will get easier next week when Elias has his routine back and you can hopefully get some needed rest with Olivia. I know those boxes seem to be calling to you but take it slow- they aren't going anywhere and you need your health. You have so much to be thankful for this New Year's day and you are so surrounded by love ones. I am raising my glass to you and your fabulous family- Here's to a fabulous 2010!!!!

Wishing you ease and joy and abundance of health this year. Can't wait to read and see whatever you ahve to share with us. Just so glad you are home safely with your family.

You have so very much going on, but I am glad to hear that everyone is basically healthy and you are all home, together. I am also happy to hear that you have tons of support. Happy New Year!

She is stunningly beautiful Christy! so "plump" and full term...I just love that you had a full term baby..and that you have moved and that you have such a wonderful group of loved ones to help you guys through all of this. No doubt it has been hectic especially since you weren't your usual wonder woman. It will all settle in and Olivia as a "gift" for Elias will be the kind that slowly reveals itself. I think you can tell in his eyes when he is kissing her head that he gets it, even if his heart hasn't opened up yet. Enjoy these winter months of snuggle time. You don't need to do anything just yet. There is time.

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