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This is lovely.

*gulping back tears* Beautiful. And so difficult for us (ok, me) to reconnect with ourselves, isn't it?

You brought tears to my eyes. Beautiful said. I am sure you've been told this a million times, but you really should write a book.

Christy, I think this is your most beautil and heart wrenching writing yet. Love to you and your baby cubs from our den...

Sorry, that word was "beautiful."

I'm glad Elias & Olive have you and Nick to snuggle with in this winter den. Alaskan winter is so dark, but also somehow safe and protective. You've captured that here. This is beautiful, Christy.

My son S (now 5) was full of questions about his birth with the arrival of his newest brother too. I was surprised by how much I got taken back to the dark days of his birth and early life as I allowed him the chance to revisit what happened. So many times though he has said to me 'I am glad baby A wasn't sick like me'. Being a big brother is a very special gift.

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