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Wah-Hoo!! You caught a glimpse of Elias as the boy he's always been!! I knew he'd come back :) And remember, if he leaves again, he'll return again.

Wow, is he going to be the super hockey player- what fun! Sorry that Olivia is still raising her voice but you have progressed so far and you are better for it. One incredible boy learning his way and one darling girl demanding it! Watch out parents!!!
Please don't stop writing these blogs.
Happy Weekend- I so treasure your words and it brings it home so much when out of the blue- I am off to the hospital again with my precious husband with major heart problems. We were working out and BAM- but he is fine and if we were with you- he would be back on the ice tonight.

Awesome. ALL of it. Even Olive protesting. BOTH of your children are showing the world they are forces to be reckoned with and not to be underestimated.

Built in hockey sticks is GREAT! I love it.

Wow! To think that a while back you wondered whether Elias would ever walk -- and here he is, walking on ice and hitting a puck with his cane, enjoying his own game of hockey. I so admire that little guy's spirit of adventure and your way of responding to his comments. He is a lucky kid!

Miss Olive is a darling. (Yes, I know that's easier to say when looking at a cute picture than when dealing with a crying spell!) Wonderful little girl.

I have to say that I don't think I could hit a hockey puck with a cane, especially on the first try! He's really got them mastered!

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