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Here's what I'm repeating to myself over and over again these days: It won't always be like this. Just breathe and dedicate yourself completely to this moment. It kinda works for me....

Yep, what Emily wrote. This, too, shall pass. Sending good thoughts your way.

I just had to admit to my nine year old that I am the easter bunny so it was a rough day for us too. She was very disappointed and I know that the Santa question will be next....ho-hum. At least Elias still believes the magic and Olive has yet to discover it!

Had a fabulous time with your parents. Just like you, I wish we all lived closer. I am over the moon that I am now going to be a grandmother too next October!!! Cannot wait. Your parents are so excited about you upcoming visit and it will be so good for the girls and later the boys!!! A much needed time of extra arms. Hang in there. I know that bunny is coming.

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