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She is SOOOOOOO cute! I miss holding little ones!

Happy Third month Olive! you look so cute. Christy, I can't believe how grown up she looks, she is sitting and everything, beautiful.

She looks adorable and I hope those sweet looks mean that she is feeling better these days. Love those fat cheeks!

Happy happy friday - toooo cute oh my gosh!

Wow, the time flies doesn't it?! Look at her sitting in her little chair! OMG. She's just delicious. Hope things have calmed some and the sensory research is helping. :-)

Happy Friday!

She is so beautiful. What a lucky Momma you are

Absolutely gorgeous! Those smiles make everything better!

Congrats on making it the magical 3 month mark!! I hope that it's too mean less and less of the cranky baby and more and more of the happy baby seen here. AND can I just say, she has the most DIVINE wardrobe!! Love her outfits ;-).

*of course I meant to write 'to mean'.....

Three months already! She's beautiful!

She is so beautiful!!

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