I expect to be interrupted any moment.
Welcome to Parenthood: Come on in, have a seat, oh wait, stand up, no, no sit.
Make yourself at home here, a place where you wont be able to finish a thought without....
Forget about long hot showers or sit down meals.
You wear the clothes you slept in and are lucky if you remember to brush your teeth let alone your hair. When you do put on your favorite shirt you will only wear it for six minutes before it ends up in the hamper with your other spit on clothes.
You will never have sex again. Well, maybe...
Talking on the phone, writing, drawing, creating, forget about it...
Interrupted every time.
Sleep, what's that?
You can't even drive across town without pulling over on Talkeetna St. to pull your son's hand off your baby girl's toe.
You feel pulled apart at the seams.
You take a time out. Calm down. Breathe.
And start again.
You always start again.
You laugh, unexpectedly, wildly, often.
You tell yourself it's Friday. (As if that really means anything anymore.)
You close the bathroom door just to have a moment alone.
Where's Mommy?
You want to change me.
I want some cheese.
Uh oh.
Let's play cars. Let's build. Lets go for a walk.
I don't want to go to sleep never ever ever!!!!
Stop squeezing your sister!
Can you say please?
Be careful. Be gentle. Use your words.
Hold on.
I'll be right there.
In a moment.
Just one moment. That's all you need...
Where's Mommy?
Oh, yes, Christy -- I know! Here's hoping for a few quieter moments for you. Soon.
Posted by: Linda | 04/02/2010 at 12:00 PM
Christy, I remember those days. My son is now 23 and my daughter 16. I remember some advice an older mother gave me (which I AM now!.) "The days go by slow(sic)--the years go by fast." I know it's hard, but try to enjoy it!
Posted by: Karen | 04/02/2010 at 01:09 PM
Holy Moly do I miss the long hot showers and going to the bathroom without company. Some days, it feels like it will always be like this. But, as I write, my son sleeps so perfectly next to me... and I don't mind so much.
Posted by: Erin | 04/02/2010 at 06:36 PM
Yep, been there too--earlier today...
Posted by: Shelley | 04/02/2010 at 07:34 PM
Oh my god, that's how I feel right now. I've been wondering...is it supposed to be this hard?? I just moved back into Anchorage. Wanna come over for some tea and mommy vent session?
Posted by: Emily Kurn | 04/02/2010 at 08:06 PM
Karen, I love what you wrote, because yes, indeed, the days DID go by slow, but the years went by very fast. And now I am also an older mom of 21 and 25 year old sons. And as hard as it was then....sometimes it seems like it didn't happen at all!! Hang in there, Christy......
Posted by: Lynn | 04/02/2010 at 09:27 PM
Have you thought about trading your car in for a van with a third row? One kid in each row can equal peace. Though I wouldnt know since we have a car and three car seats barely fit side by side in there for us. Like someone above me mentioned- the days go by slow but the years fast. And just recently I figured out a way to get uninterrupted me time- I tell my husband to watch the kids for a minute while I grab something on the porch. I jump in the car and take off LOL.
Posted by: Skyfeather | 04/04/2010 at 05:53 PM