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OMg --- gorgeous!!!!!! Congrats on the beautiful kids!

I probably already said it, but it's worth saying agin. Watching the love blossom between my two kids has been the single most satisfying, healing, soul feeding phenomenon in my life. Nothing else compares.

I love the picture, they look so cute!

WHAT A PICTURE! Together, their bodies look like the outline of a heart - and they look like they are ONE big soul! Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!

Two beautiful grandchildren and their ours!! Can't wait for you to come East. See you soon.

These are the moments to hang on to when the going gets tough and the siblings act like, well, siblings! LOL

Hey Christy, I started a blog. *blush* Would you check it out? http://puddingatmidnight.blogspot.com/

So cute!

Beautiful image.....and beautiful moment....

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