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I don't know how much longer you are at the cape but I have a fun thing for Elias to do. All you need to get is a box plaster of paris from the hardware store and a cheap bucket. Have Elias collect with his wonderful grandparents shells, tiny driftwood pieces, etc from walks on the beach. Have him make a form in the sand, like a fish lined with the shells and stuff he has collected and mix the plaster of paris with some salt water in the bucket and the put it on the mold and within 5 mins. he has something that he can take home with him to remind him of this vacation. It doesn't smell either and kids love doing it.

looks like heaven.

Fantastic! You all look so joyful -- that is awesome!

I'm sorry, but is your child wearing LEG WARMERS? What the hell??

Yes, Brooke she is:) They are great in AK when I carry her in the Ergo or backpack and her pants ride up to keep her ankles and shins warm and here I decided they work to keep her legs from getting sunburned. Luckily it hasn't been too hot where I question my sanity putting leg warmers on her.

Noel, I love the idea. Thank you. Though Elias is more into throwing whatever he finds than collecting it:)

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