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Look at that smile! I hope the rest of the ride was a good as the beginning!

I'm so happy that Elias rides horses! Miss you!! xo

awww ... how sweet- i love the pics! he looks so happy!

very nice pics!!....I imagine Elias loves horses!...He seems always so happy with them!
An happy week-end to all of you!

He's grown! (Been a while since I visited your site.)

He looks very competent and happy on the horse!

(Good luck finding daycare for Olive. I know it is tough.)

He LOVES riding horses and is more calm and a better listener at the arena than anywhere else these days!

Of course I found this blog by reading your article in Parenting, and boy am I happy that I did! You are an amazing writer and have a beautiful family.

My son was born at 26 weeks, weighing 2 pounds four ounces. I know amazingly enough that this may seem huge to you! I remember counting each half ounce at the daily weigh ins at the hospital. Those were the days, the scary days when they (medical professionals) sat us down and told us that they were not able to promise us anything and that if he did make it, it would be a long road. My son Noah is 9 now and since have had two more children. There are days when I get stressed out by their arguing but when I remember....I realize what a blessing their arguments actually are. Thanks for your blog! Nicole :)

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