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Oh no! (((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))

Shit fire save matches! Sigh. I'm so sorry Christy. It'll all work out...eventually. {{{hugs}}}

Your title says it all. There is such relief to find the "perfect" child care and to have it taken away? I am sending the best "new, awesome child care" vibes your way!!!

That sucks. I read often but don't post very often but I would be pissed too.

UGHHHHHHHHH! what a total bummer. Since the other kids were great too can the parents all get together and get sitters to rotate around at your homes or something? grasping at straws here. keep crying. I am too by the way since my 97 year old nana just passed away on tuesday. some weeks are just like this.

Wow. that owner is something else. praying for solutions to appear instantly...

Oh no! Sending out a prayer and a wish to the Universe that the right solution presents itself soon. Like, NOW.

oh that just sucks

So sorry to hear this! My advice is to find out where Giant Teddy Bear is going to be working next and try to get your baby in there. Trust your instincts, honey. You said it best. It really will all work out.

Oh that's terrible! Why in the world do they have to close, isn't there an alternative? I hope you figure something out, so sorry! That really stinks!

Oh, dear. My daughter went to MSM (before we had #2 and I quit work) and we LOVED them, especially Mickey, who might be your teddy bear. They have had some managerial "issues" and relocations in the last year. Too bad for the staff and for the kids. TALK to the staff, and the other parents--you'll find a good alternative through the grape vine. Child care for infants in Anchorage is really tough.....

This is happening all over the country as centers feel the effect of job losses.Centers and homes are shutting down like crasy.Parents are doing things like sending the kids to day care two or three days a week for the education and socialization and then leaving them with relatives or unlicensed providers the other days. It sucks all around since then the people who work at the centers are unemployed and since those jobs usually don't pay very well they have little to fall back on. I like the idea of finding out where the teddy bear will be working and following him. Or maybe he would like to nanny (manny?) .

That is awful! I'm sorry to hear that. It's hard to find childcare providers you trust and it's such a relief when you do. But there are many out there; you'll find yourself in a good situation soon enough. Good luck finding a new one.

Sorry, Christy! Hugs!! Wish I could help!


Fleming, I'm sorry about your Nana, hugs to you!

Yes laurie, Micky is the giant Teddy Bear, and their site at Kimberly Court is still open where he will continue to work but with older kids and after telling us they might have a spot there for Olive and then that they did NOT, they have now come back around to say that they do...so at least she has a place to be even though its now a car ride instead of a five-minute walk from both work and home (which means I most likely wont be able to nurse her during the day) and I'm not a big fan of the owner right now so I'm doing a bit of research before I decide.

jwg, thanks for giving me a broader perspective on this instead of just seeing it through my personal bubble--it is sad for everyone.

And thanks all for your collective hugs and words of support!

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