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Happy 9 month birthday!! You are such a cutie!

Happy 9 months Olive!!

She is getting so big! Will we recognize her in November? She will probably be walking then.

*blissful sigh* Just think, two years ago, she was a dream in your heart. Now, she's a living dream!

Wow! Time flies! She is beautiful!

I LOVE that age when they are so awake to everything and so easily pleased, distracted, comforted.ahh.

Happy 9 Months

She's amazing!! One of my favorite things about loving kids with CP is that I fully understand the miracles that make up "typical" development. Only when you know how hard each milestone can be, do you truly celebrate with joy!! Happy 9 months, Miss Olive.

Olive is a gorgeous doll -- thanks for sharing!

she's getting so big! and so adorable!

Just busy? We miss you. Hope everything is ok.

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