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Alaska at it's best. Love the pics of Elias and Olive!!!!!! Thanks for sharing....


Beautiful pictures and beautiful kids. Can't wait to see everybody in November.

What a grand adventure you are on. What progress Elias has made -- from not being able to walk to hiking in the wilderness. Congrats on a beautiful family and a beautiful life!

Now I wish I had moved to Alaska when I had the chance. But I can always visit I guess.

um, I LOVE the picture of Olive eating grass ;)

Your pictures are breathtaking and inspirational! Thank you for sharing.

Please never stop your blog. I haven't responded as much as I use to due to my schedule but I go on every day to check. Love you all

The picture of Elias laughing looks JUST like you!

Thank you! And walking the uneven terrain is very good for him.

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