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My daughter LOVES that book! Oh and the way we get through every day is to recite our favorite "Maggie-isms" of the day. You can't help but laugh when a 3 year old says "Daddy, I'm going to toot (pass gas) and you are going to laugh - OK?".

Wishing you a happy Friday and hoping that feeling of wanting to disown Elias has passed. In fact, I'm sure it must have passed...all the way to my house. Want another small, ornery boy for the weekend? ;-)

Why is it that we can't wait to have babies and then once they are trying to break away from us and be their own person and the battles start we want nothing more than to sell them to anyone that will take them!!?!?! (-: I had a garage sale last week and by the end of the weekend I was trully ready to put my 6 year old in the "free" box!!! Happy Friday and know that your feelings of wanting to disown your six year old is completely normal!!

I am ready to sell my whole family AND my job :P It is a good thing these kids do cute things too or we would have to make a second hand child store.

I meant to tell you before, about the Behavior Analyst recommendation, that if you want to talk about it more.. what ABA is, how it can help, what makes a good therapist, etc, email me. I'm happy to offer whatever support I can from Florida. I know how frustrating life can be when you live with someone who is not in control of his body. I also know that progress is possible and even the most challenging of behaviors can be overcome! Hang in there and keep focusing on the positive =)

I love anything by Todd Parr!

We love Todd Parr books too! I got a bit teary reading "It's Okay to be Different." It not only reassures our daughter, but me as well, and sometimes we need that.

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