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How perfectly true! I was the most amazingly wonderful parent in the world until I had children! Our second children really exemplify grace and mercy on us.

what a precious picture. love it! Happy Thanksgiving. love, Valerie

Oh I was perfect before I had kids too kimberly:) Grace and mercy, well said!

Thanks Valerie, Happy Thanksgiving to you too!

This is perfect for you -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXXm696UbKY

Loved it Brooke, what a laugh, thanks for the link!

Your first child falls, cuts himself, bleeds, you run to the emergency room. Your second child falls, cuts herself, bleeds, you run to the bathroom and get out the disinfectant and a bandaid. Your third kid falls, cuts himself, bleeds and you yell: "Get off the carpet!"
It's an old joke, but so apt.
I once took my first child to the emergency room because he was crying and did NOT have a fever. Bless the doc, he took my hand and reassured me the kid was probably okay, sometimes even the ones who do not cry, do!

Boy does this hit home. Your posts are awesome and appreciated by so many. Thanks!

Olive is such a love! Her legs are scrumptious!

as the mother of 2 children, i can identify. mine are grown now with children of their own, and i'm sure, they can identify also.


This is too cute and very interesting article. My kid use to through paper in washing machine.https://www.yousendit.com/transfer.php?action=batch_download&send_id=817789614&email=7cff47bb7cdcb76fbfa15e66c81a1961 So funny!!! They are really cute to do all such silly works. I remember my kid after seeing this article. Had a good time.

My first child is still bossy at 23, and my second child, at 20, is still full of grace and patience. Our first children are achievers, our second children, helpers. We need both!

My first child is still bossy at 23, and my second child, at 20, is still full of grace and patience. Our first children are achievers, our second children, helpers. We need both!

Your post made me think of you when I heard a segment on NPR last weekend:

Children who have siblings with chronic illnesses or disabilities
often find their lives are constantly interrupted by medical
emergencies that trump regular kid cares like birthday parties and
soccer games. These children learn at an early age to put another
person's needs first and are often better adjusted in the long run. -
More at http://www.npr.org/2010/11/28/131644645/siblings-of-sick-kids-learn-a-life-lesson-early?ft=1&f=10&sc=17

Lindsay, Nick heard or read this on NPR too so thanks for sending me the link!

Danielle--thanks for sharing the emergency room story, it made me smile..

...and thanks all for letting me know you understand!!!!!

Tony and I are trying for our second child, and I think about these types of moments all the time. I wonder how much attention he/she will get with her older brother so used to having us 100% of the time.... Thanks for giving me a glimpse!

P.S. I LOVE the pear shirt Olive is wearing in the last pic, do you remember where you got it?

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