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And I know this photo is blurry but I think b/c of Elias's limited vision I find myself drawn to it.

That picture captures Elias' joy perfectly. Happy birthday to Elias!

So much to celebrate! Happy, happy birthday, Elias! The world is blessed for your presence.

Happy Birthday Elias!!!

I was thinking about Elias the other day and remembered my little Brother's elementary school class.(We moved there when my Brother was 8) There was a little boy that had to use a walker due to CP. As they all grew up together he was always taken care of by the other kids even though he couldn't do everything they could do right away. And when they all graduated together he was the class speaker! It was wonderful to see them all feel so connected to each other even though they were different. I noticed he was always so accepted with everyone in the high school (and coming from a military background where we moved every couple years, this was VERY unusual to me). I just wanted to tell you that story. He and my Brother are still friends.

Happy Birthday Elias! 7--wow--10 is coming at you fast! :-)

Christy, your description makes me feel like I'm right there in the room with you.

So, onions are on the list with bananas? ;)

Happy Birthday Elias!! Enjoy your day and your special snack!

Great blog! So proud of Elias on his 7th birthday! Wish we could be with you all on his big day. Will try calling tonight.

Happy Birthday!!.....I don't believe he's seven!...I hope he has a special day....a bear hug to this lovely big boy!

happy birthday indeed. love to all of you. enjoy the chocolate.

Happy Birthday, Elias!! I can't believe it's been 7 years since our boys were so little! They're definitely now the active, inquisitive ones, aren't they? Kieran also sends his birthday wishes (yes, he remembers, and even asks about Elias =)).

Hope he has a wonderful day!! Hugs to all of you (I know how hard this day is for you, too!)

Where has the time gone- it feels like yesterday to me when I was following the miracle of his birth. WOW- 7!!!!Happy Birthday Elias.
We have to hear about his special day in your special words.

Happy birthday Elias! I'm so excited your turning 7 and choosing a great way to celebrate with cupcakes and juice boxes, yummy! I can say I knew you when and now look how you've grown.....

What a wonderful celebration Elias has planned! I wish birthdays could always be filled with cupcakes and juice boxes! Happy 7th!

OR she was just as pleased as you that he had asked her to play.

Happy Birthday Elias!!!

Happy 7th birthday Elias! Enjoy your special cupcakes and juice boxes while celebrating the joys of being a seven year old boy. It is amazing to look back on their birthdays and reflect on the turmoil, joy, and changes each year brings.

mom to Carson (30 wkr) and Elias (25 wkr)

Happy Birthday to Elias! You made me cry when you doubted of that little girl...

Aww I share my birthday with Elias!! Hope you had a great day, buddy!

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