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SO GLAD! Now you know what is possible. Beautiful.

When the times get stressful, like in your last post, remember times like this! Sounds like a great time!

sounds like so much fun for EVERYONE! xo

I can feel your joy and release and am so happy for you and your family. I hope for many more days like this!

Loved to be a part of this. Elias was a gem and we had such a great time hanging out with your beautiful family!! Love you guys!

Audrey LOVED that I could hang out with you without worrying that Elias would squeeze Canyon's face. I think its the first night in months that I've been able to relax with company and it gives me hope that it might get easier someday.

And yes, I'll try to keep this memory in my pocket for the next round in the ring, remember what might be possible, that I might really breathe again.

Thanks all for celebrating, or dancing, along with me!

And now? My heart is dancing, too. :-)

Lovely. You capture the moments beautifully!

The joy is just leaping off the page, and I'm so happy for you all. Thanks for sharing it with us.

This post gave me such a good belly laugh! Yay for Elias and Olive! And you and Nick :)

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