Ah, how the tides change.
At First Encounter Beach, on the Cape, the water retreats to the horizon during low tides so you can walk for miles on the flats.
At high tide you can leap in for a swim a few strides from the road.
Elias played well with Olive this weekend.
Yes, tides do change.
Elias and Olive took turns climbing up to the recliner and leaping onto my lap. They rolled around together--"being silly," in Elias's words-- on the bed, as I tackled and tickled them.
We had an impromptu driveway talgate party with our neigbors Saturday afternoon as our kids played in the slush puddle turned creek at the end of it. Elias only grabbed Owen by the head once when they both wanted to play with the same rope but a second climbing rope retrieved from another truck bed settled the dispute. Elias and Owen became two fisherman who caught their parents for dinner.
Inside later, we ate breakfast for dinner--strawberry-blueberry pancakes, bacon, sausage. Audrey, T.J, and Canyon joined us, and even brought Bloody Mary's to fit the theme.
And for the first time since Canyon could move, Elias not only tolerated Canyon but played with him. He never even tried to hurt him. Not once. Never pushed him or squeezed him for taking his toys or the attention away from Elias.
Sure, Elias climbed all over Audrey and T.J without asking and needed some sensory breaks by himself with his Ipad, but overall, he participated "normally", no, not normally, he participated beautifully, seamlessly, in an evening with friends.
And she finally exhales...
We even ended the night with a dance party in our current-bedroom-soon-to-be-family-room, with the kids taking turns in the middle of the room, strutting their stuff.
Picture the scene:
Canyon, a natural rocker, with the perfect pre-first-hair-cut-mullet, bangs his head and moves his hips along with the bluegrass tribute album to Van Halen.
Olive, tenetative at first, swings her arms from right to left, then stops, and watches Canyon. She smiles. Swings her arms again, more freely this time, and she keeps swinging them until she moves her arms, shoulders, and head to the music, working her way into a full-blown spin.
Elias pushes himself from his perch against the side of the bed and lurches to the middle of the room. He squeals, "We're daaaaaaaaancing!" as he bounces on his knees and flaps his arms, crutch-free.
Oh, and she danced...
SO GLAD! Now you know what is possible. Beautiful.
Posted by: danielle | 03/28/2011 at 12:33 AM
When the times get stressful, like in your last post, remember times like this! Sounds like a great time!
Posted by: Lee | 03/28/2011 at 12:42 PM
sounds like so much fun for EVERYONE! xo
Posted by: elizabeth | 03/28/2011 at 03:47 PM
I can feel your joy and release and am so happy for you and your family. I hope for many more days like this!
Posted by: Kimberly | 03/28/2011 at 03:58 PM
Loved to be a part of this. Elias was a gem and we had such a great time hanging out with your beautiful family!! Love you guys!
Posted by: Audrey | 03/28/2011 at 07:51 PM
Audrey LOVED that I could hang out with you without worrying that Elias would squeeze Canyon's face. I think its the first night in months that I've been able to relax with company and it gives me hope that it might get easier someday.
And yes, I'll try to keep this memory in my pocket for the next round in the ring, remember what might be possible, that I might really breathe again.
Thanks all for celebrating, or dancing, along with me!
Posted by: Christy | 03/28/2011 at 10:10 PM
And now? My heart is dancing, too. :-)
Posted by: niksmom | 03/29/2011 at 06:17 AM
Lovely. You capture the moments beautifully!
Posted by: Bonnie | 03/29/2011 at 12:58 PM
The joy is just leaping off the page, and I'm so happy for you all. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Posted by: bec | 03/29/2011 at 06:09 PM
This post gave me such a good belly laugh! Yay for Elias and Olive! And you and Nick :)
Posted by: Jamie | 03/30/2011 at 09:12 PM