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Beautiful pictures! Brought a big smile to me!

Christy, We head to the Cape on June 17. Any chance you're still there then? Enjoy!!!!!

I know your parents are in heaven to have you all there. Rest, enjoy and soak up wonderful memories.

Yay! Enjoy...relax...wiggle your toes in the sand!

I always enjoy reading your first post after reuniting with your parents. I can read the smile on your face. Enjoy

It looks like you are the only people on the planet! what peace. I can almost hear the sound of the waves.

OK, I need more pictures or I will be satisfied with just your incredible words- some of us just live for your posts-remember some of us are living with husbands who are recovering from open heart surgery and are not fun to be with- you are my entertainment and you are definitely slacking- no not just you but your MOM is definitely slacking on her part. I haven't had an update for DAYS!!!!!

Noel, you crack me up:). Yes, I've been slacking visiting with friends and playing at the beach. I didn't bring my laptop which makes it harder to write but i promise to post more pictures and write a longer post soon.

La, I wish we would still be here to see you but we head back on the 6th.

Well, the sun is shining so....

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