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OOH Christy glad I checked in to see if you had posted today! This is a stunner. You've done an amazing job of conveying all that is messy, uncomfortable, a little scary, but yet also exhilarating about raising kids and being in nature. Loved it!!!

So beautiful, Christy! Thanks for these words & thoughts & pictures. But I wish you hadn't veered into fiction. There is NO WAY Reni can be 11 years old! :3)

Wow! Very beautiful! Your writing is amazing!

This is beautiful Christy. Just lovely.

What a great insight into a place and activity I won't be able to experience or even knew of really. What great insight into the feelings of parenting that I know very much about. I have to do a lot of forgiving too, and less projection of an uncertain future because it is just too scary sometimes. As always, thank you, I always get a thrill when I see a new post.

amazing fish and even more amazing words. That is the first time I've felt calm in days. See, we met with some educational "testers" the other day and our 8 year old is still reading at the first grade level. He may not have canes like Elias but he struggles all the same. Dyslexia and ADHD are spectrums just like all others but they beg the same question," how can I make it easier for him? " so thank you for your beautiful thoughts. I wish I had been feeling the tug of the net too.

Sorry for the late reply to your wonderful comments. Our computer died last week and we had a few days of thinking we lost everything, pictures, writing, etc b/c we couldn't access our back up either. We are slowly finding our files but its still a giant pain in the ass. Anyways, i'm back online now and Flem I'm sending you a huge hug. I'm not looking forward to the return of school (mid-August here) so that Elias can be tested and compared again instead of just an outside kid exploring the world. I wish we lived closer so we could take walks and drink wine and vent to each other anytime

Thank you Kimberly and Kate for letting me know you relate to the parenting side of this post and that you enjoyed the fishing story too. Thank you Sara and Stacey for your kind words and Ginna, non-fiction: Reni will be in 6th grade this fall. I know, I cant believe it either...miss you!

Christy, it is hard to get my head around the visual of you putting those fish to rest! Sounds like an amazing time - I am trying to imagine the smell of the tent, the clothes, the sleeping bags at the end of a trip like this. You guys must really, really love Salmon! : ) Also trying to imagine how my kids would ever sleep on such a trip. Kudos to you guys on all fronts! That freezer looks absolutely beautiful!!

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