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Congratulations on being published in the Whitefish Review!

Congratulations, you published writer you! You should be proud, you teach and write and are a great Mom. Wishing you much joy in the New Year!

congrats on your publication:)

CONGRATULATIONS! Will we get to read it too or can't you print it here? I am so proud of you and doesn't it feel nice to get recognized once in awhile? 2012 is shaping up to be a very bright year indeed.

oh.... congrats, Christy!

Congratulations! You should bask in the success and try not to beat yourself up too much (and if you figure out how to do that, let me know).

I'll let you know if I figure out the trick Katy. I'm not there yet, often getting "writer's block" after getting some kind of recognition for my writing and/or if I take too much time off like I have been over the vacation. But it seems the word always find me again.

Flem, I own the copywrite so I think its kosher for me to publish it here too and will share the essay soon. It originated here back on From the Mountaintop when the neighborhood goats escaped in Spenard and I first starting wondering about Elias and Autism. Its a piece I've wanted to work on for publication for a while now and it just took me a couple years to submit it.

Thanks all for your support! We are off to Seward for New Years, with no computer, but I plan on bringing my notebook and a good old fashioned pen. Cheers to 2012!

way to go christy! always great to see your writings published and feel accomplishment that it is finished...although many writings are never quite finished :) valerie

Congratulations! What a great way to end the year!

Affirmation for what all of your readers appreciate about you! Congratulations!

So exciting! Here's to more successes in 2012!

Congrats! May you have many more.

I always want to edit the heck out of anything I write, which actually makes it aggravating to have a blog. It's easier to have things published in static form because I know I can't change them (and so I don't reread them at all, if I can help it).

Tabatha, I wish I hadn't read it in the journal. First off there was a formatting mistake, an extra line was suppose to divide scenes and the editors and I didn't catch it b/c it was originally at the bottom of a page and then there was also a font issue, a whole scene was suppose to be in italics and only part of it was and this I missed on my final review when it got f-ed up from all the formatting changes so of course for me these were HUGE errors making it impossible to read but I'm hoping the average reader just bumbles a bit but makes it past this readers' roadblock. Yes, Valerie, I'm with you, my work is never done, I want to add another scene to the essay and ...

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