"Find your balance," I often hear myself say to Elias, as if his equilibrium is merely hidden underneath the bed, like a stray sock waiting to be discovered if only we search for it. Its gotta be here somewhere...
Yet, I'm the one off balance today.
Recovering from food poisoning or the stomach flu or some kind of crud that knocked me over on Thursday and here it is Sunday and I'm still struggling to stay on my feet.
I'm not a good sick kid.
My mind tends to follow my body, sinking lower and lower till it too is hanging over a porcelain bowl. Just flush it down...
Olive, who I have not yet weaned, climbed in bed with me this morning hoping to nurse. "Side, side," she said.
She calls nursing "sit" if I'm standing and she wants me to sit with her, or "side" if I'm already sitting, which comes from me saying, "switch sides".
After a few moments snuggled besides me she sat up and said, "Any yuce."
Empty juice.
The weather today seemed to mirror my mood, all gloom and spitting slush. But the good news is I've made it almost twelve hours without hugging the toilet bowl. And besides not understanding I'm sick and wanting to jump and climb on top of me, my two kids made it through the day without any major issues. Huge props for Nick who has been the do-it-all man of the house for days.
Posted by: Christy | 12/11/2011 at 09:39 PM
Forgive me for laughing hysterically. Empty juice. WHo could have said it better?
Feel better soon, kudos to Nick and bravo to kids who get through the day without issues!
Posted by: danielle in zurich | 12/11/2011 at 10:02 PM
She cracked me up too. It was the first time she used that expression.
Posted by: Christy | 12/11/2011 at 10:09 PM
Oh Christy the last thing you need right now! But often that's the way it goes isn't it? Anyway, glad you're feeling better and now cutting you some slack as I kept checking for updates. Your blog can be a little habit forming you know. Maybe this will be a time for inadvertent weaning if you're ready. If not the supply will return. Anyway, hope you continue to feel better and that it doesn't work it's way through your whole family.
Posted by: Kate | 12/12/2011 at 04:49 AM