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My favorite part is how he kisses you morning, afternoonm evening & night

I can feel the love!

Never really comment, but felt compelled this morning to let you I love your writing- your description of your marriage, kids, etc all so real and honest.

Treasure the fact that your little boy wakes up and says good morning and begins the day with a cheerful story! My 7 year old is like a jaded, grumpy teenager when I wake him up - so jealous!!! Have a great weekend, Christy! xoxo La

Beautiful and all so positive!! What a nice morning.

What a fab morning. What a series of great connections--smiles at his sister, the desire to share his fascination with elevators with his friends and his ideas with you. Makes me so happy.

I have been a reader for awhile now (no idea how I got here) but I decided to let you know how much I love your writing and that you share it with others. I wanted you to know that it serves a grand purpose to some of us out here. I sit today at my desk at work writing MET reports--it's a Saturday--I teach in an Early Childhood Special Education classroom in Michigan--and your blog makes me feel better about the fact that I'm using my own time to make sure these reports are good. The kids in my class and their families deserve that. I enjoy your blog because it reminds me that my students are someone else's pride and joy (and sorrow and pain). I enjoy your blog because as a mom I can relate to many of your "mom" moments. I enjoy your blog because the photos of Alaska fascinate me. And your writing is a sweet little treat as I eat my lunch and get ready to walk away from my desk into my classroom to get ready for Monday morning. Thank you!
Julie A.

don't forget to post Elias video whenever he gets around to making one. I want to hear the D elevator!

Love your writing whether it's this kind of post or the Alexander post (possibly my favorite children's book). Just keep coming back for more to see how things are going and cheering you whether it's a high or low kind of day. either way I'm along for the ride. thanks for sharing.

love it all!! xo

Every time you mention Olive I think "feisty" and it makes smile. If she keeps asking so nicely you might as well let her self-wean! My 30 months daughter finally thinks chocolate milk is a good idea in the morning instead of mommy's milk. I was quite ready. I love Elias' ideas!

Ellie "feisty" is an apt description of Olive which, I hope, will bode well for her over the years. And I may let her self wean, it will just depend how long she goes:)

Kate, Rachel, and Julie: thank you for sharing your appreciation of my writing! It always inspires me to continue to work on how I share and not just what I share when I get comments like yours. And Julie, I love that my writing helps you to rejoice more in the work that you do, for your work is so important to all of us parents out here who love our special kids. Thank you!!

La, a lot of mornings Elias wakes up surly too and swats at his sister instead of smiling at her or ignores us when we greet him. But not this Friday:)

Thank you all for feeling the love and connections and for responding. When we get around to making that video, I'll be sure to share.

Another vote for self weaning here:) It is so much easier. Weaning is supposed to be a gradual thing, a non-event for mother and child:) It may seem like she'll never stop but she will. My daughter is 15 and while she didn't wean until quite a late age, I think she weaned later because of her developmental delays, she has been weaning for a long time now.

The quiet alone times are why I stay up way too late! It's me time. Tonight, I got on a tangent of news stories and ran across this blog: http://journeyto2boys.wordpress.com/ . This woman has 2 uteri and gave birth to two boys at the same time who were each conceived in a different uterus. The were micropreemies (25 weeks) and one is still in the hospital. She has two older children as well. Her blog is pretty interesting, but mostly tracking the boys' progress. Thought you might be interested if you weren't already aware of this story.

s.e., with how opinionated Olive is self-weaning may be the only option:)

Meg, thank you for sharing this link, I clicked on it this morning as was fascinated. Pregnant on both sides! I'd heard of this happening only a handful of times (75 recorded in the world I learned from her blog this morning.) Looking forward to returning and reading more...

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