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Is it possible that his vision has changed causing him less confidence with his mobility?

I know that feeling of wanted to find something wrong just to find out how to FIX what is wrong. You feel bad for thinking that way , but and answer with a solution is better then not answer at all!
I like the PP idea of maybe a vision issue.

Nick clearly has much better taste in football teams than you.

Brooke, your team won an exciting game, I'll give you that:)

Jess and Jessica, we had his eyes checked last week and his vision is stable. Good thinking though. And yes, Jessica, you articulated my "disappointment" with the x-ray results perfectly. I just want to find a solution.

Christy, I am newish to your blog and follow Elias regularly! I wonder if you would consider a chiropractor. If there is a really good one who understands Elias'condit ion, you might find th at a tweak in the spine or abnormally tight muscles can be relieved through a combination of manipulation and exercises. I know it has given me great relief from both bone and muscle issues...and I went in with zero confidence!! Best wishes. I appreciate your writing style as much as its content.

That's the direction we are headed Traci, our PT gave us a few recommendations, we just haven't made an appointment yet. (We have another crazy week coming up) Thank you for writing and sharing your thoughts. I'm honored to have you as a reader, especially since you appreciate my writing style:)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRISTY- JANUARY 16th- just wanted you to know that we are sending you lots of Happy B'day wishes!!!!

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