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LOVE it! xo

It is just right.
You are amazing.

So great!! Hope there was a standing ovation after you finished like in the movies. Even if not, you rocked it!

I was in tears reading this. I hope your speech reaches a much wider audience, and of course, I hope it changes the hearts and minds of your school board to enact a different decision.

Damn, you're good!

Beautifully said...good luck!

I just read a blog post by a Chicago-based educator who touched on many of the same issues. I immediately thought of you and thought I'd give you the link--http://blogs.edweek.org/teachers/living-in-dialogue/2012/02/katie_osgood_the_reform_my_stu.html?cmp=ENL-EU-VIEWS2

Christy, You said it well. They are trying to do the same at my daughter's school. I don't know how she will make it through without the counseling and special help she gets that she needs. And yet the school board literally spent millions on a fancy schmancy building that nobody needs and NO ONE is using. But to save money they HAVE to cut the counselors for kids with needs. I feel your pain in Missouri as well as Alaska.

No standing ovation Kate, but the 11th speaker and the first claps of the night. I felt like the Board and the 200 plus people in attendance heard me so I'm glad I spoke.

Ginny, loved the post you suggested, every word.

Karen, at the Hearing I learned they are also cutting HS Special Ed counselors, and it broke my heart listening to the parents and counselors speak. Its crazy. We are a wealthy state that will not give schools enough money to fund much-need positions that all serve kids. Librarians. Resource teachers. Gifted program teachers. Counselors. And yet they talk about family values.

I am sending this to the counselor at my granddaughter's elementary school. We are in a wealthy county in the mid-Atlantic area, but there has been a move to part-time counselors here as well.

Sarah Lynn, thank you for sharing my post with the counselor at your granddaughter's school. I think if the decision-makers knew the half of what our children are dealing with they would fund not just one but two full-time counselors at all elementary schools so we could relieve them of their loads, just a bit, allowing them the freedom to grow, learn, and play.

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