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Such a poignant post! Here's hoping his lip heals on its own!!

Oh! Poor sweet, Elias! I wish he didn't do that, too! Hope no stitches are required.

luckily he has you to comfort him. hope his lip looks better.

Christy, You always say the right words when needed. Hope no stitches were necessary.

Kinda of smart about the carpet. You know the joke? Your first child falls, splits his lip--rush him to the ER. Your second child falls, splits his lip--rush her to the bathroom and slap on washcloths. Your third child falls and splits his lip--and you yell " Stop bleeding on the carpet!"
So...what the heck, there's no moral. Just wanted to make you smile. Hope Elias is just fine when he wakes up.

Hope it looks better in the morning! But boy can it look like a lot of blood!

No stitches needed! Wahooo! His lip was pretty swollen this morning and the cuts on the inside of his mouth are ragged and fleshy and driving him a bit crazy but the openings on the outside are already scabbing over. The Doc said the skin on the inside will get pulled back in during the healing process over the next week or two. He woke up in tears but by late morning was in good spirits. Now if we can just keep him from playing with the openings...Thanks all for your words and Danielle for the smile:)

The little booboos of life...definitely I felt my kids pain long after they brushed me off and were showing off their trophy scars. If they only knew the remnants of what ifs that go through.mommy's head!

relieved to hear that. have a great weekend!

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