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you are amazing.

Very moving post Christy. I wish I had some answers for you...

“It is those we live with and love and should know who elude us.” written by Norman Maclean. That quote has always stuck with me. It can be a confusing and painful journey but we just keep trying. I had a hard day today with Angus. After some time apart we went to our neighbors pond for an hour or two of fishing. We didn't catch anything but quietly sitting near each other without speaking knit us back together somehow. Maybe you and Elias need some time away without Olive? Just a thought. xo.

I remember that line speaking to me as well in A River Runs Through It. Thanks for sharing it here Fleming. And yes, time spent one-on one with my kids always helps. Yesterday Olive and I had some puddle time together and I was re-enchanted with my feisty daughter. I'll try to do the same with Elias this weekend. Thank you Carey, just being there helps. And Alison, right back at ya:)

Look at me, I'm here, I see you, made me burst into tears, very moving post christy. I'm still here following you even though I don't comment, I'm still always reading.

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