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Oh, Christy, you've expressed my very feelings so well! It's easier on some days. Others, it's so damned hard to remember that it's not about me and I can't know. Those are the ones that hurt the most, that catch me off-guard.

Sending hugs and nodding in understanding and solidarity.

This is so true! Sometimes I can sit with my son and I see him looking around the room with his big brown eyes. I wonder what he might he might be thinking, but not saying. It is tough because the deepest conversations we have revolve around his favorite movies. My heart goes out to you during these challenging times!

You know, if it weren't for your blog, I may have gone insane with sorrow and guilt. You justify and vindicate the things I think and feel in my experience similar to yours. Thank you.

So glad to know I have company. And its something we can never prepare for, no matter how positive we are most of the time there will always be days when it just feels so damn hard.

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