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Oh, Lord, that is just lovely. This week may be just what the two of you need.Enjoy your week!!! And may Elias THRIVE.

a lump is right. can't wait to see you guys soon. xo

I love this story and I hope to hear more about Elias's summer cammp experience(s). Im so proud of him (and you guys) even though I don't know him. Oh and Olive peeing while a family ate thier lunches...AWESOME just AWESOME.

can't wait to hear about camp! Yea!!! Hope he loves it!!

Elias comes home exhausted and I get a lot of "I don't know" answer to my questions. But I have heard a lot about the red van he got to ride in and he has gone swimming every day and rode his bike and wakes up in the morning excited to return. So I'd call it a success. Now if only Olive would nap...

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