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If you happen to come to Maine while you are in New England, give me a call at 406-600-5886. Erika and I live in Boothbay, ME. I hope you all have a fun time visiting New England.

Have a great trip! Love the shirt you have on, btw. Can you get a few sea shell for Nena?

Jerry we won't make it to ME this trip but one of these years...Dayna, I'd love to bring some shells home for Nena...and well, our flight was more squirmy and screaming than silent and still, with tears, mine, but we made it to the Cape and have been enjoying time with family. My brother and his kids just arrived last night and I have an old friend visiting and more heading this way. Life is good right now. Hot here, but good:)

Cool! I miss Alaska beaches too! :)

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