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I have yanked my son away from a situation where he was making unsafe decisions and realized that I could keep squeezing that arm of his harder than I needed to or let it go, and have shared your thoughts about humility, and pondered too how much I don't know.
Parenting is tough stuff, but you are tougher still, and love is the biggest part. Hang tight.

Thanks rooster's Mom. I too have realized that a part of me wants to squeeze his arm as another part of me lets go. Tough indeed. Nick's parents took him for another night last night to give us a reprieve. He had no overnight bag or anything but we all felt it was the best plan. Look forward to seeing him soon and am hoping for my happy boy to return.

Parenting--so very humbling and has a unique way of exposing both our strengths and weakness. And how easy it is to focus on where we fall short. But each day we get up and again try our best. hang in there! I for one think you're doing an amazing job!

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