Elias got knocked over by a kindergartner today. "Mom, I didn't see her coming and we just went CRASH!"
"Whoa! Glad you're ok." I smile and touch his arm. My son, in the hot lunch line. His Aide, Ms. Julia next to him. Me with a bag of pinnies and a soccer ball in my arm. Both on our way in from recess.
"We just went CRASH!"
I realized a couple days ago, that I haven't even seen him at recess for weeks. I'm out there before he gets out of class and out at the soccer field by the time he makes his way to the small playground. He hasn't found me out in the field, as he once did. I haven't looked away from the soccer game to scan the playground and find him, as I always did. And he's usually in his 3rd grade classroom, eating lunch his father packed him, by the time I make it in from the 6th grade soccer game.
But not today. Today, I find him in the hallway, happy about hot-lunch.
He walks out of the kitchen, without his canes, holding his packaged Sloppy Joe and soggy fries in his arms.
To no one in particular he announces: "I'm carrying my own lunch down the hall!...I'm carrying my own lunch!... I got hot lunch!"
Our Principal walks towards Elias with another 3rd grade student.
"I'm carrying my own lunch!" Elias tells them. "Don't knock into me!!"
Happy Friday All!
love it! such a sweetie! I remember when I was the school counselor at my adopted daughter's school. She was in first grade and I would look for her and check and see how she was... she also visited me frequently those first few months...and then it was not so often and then not at all on both of our sides...we learn to trust that things are ok...valerie
Posted by: valerie | 10/12/2012 at 09:46 PM
Such a happy Friday blog. You made me laugh and got me teary!! Love, Mom
Posted by: Mom | 10/13/2012 at 05:39 AM
We also celebrated being able to carry lunch today too. We were at a birthday party and I was thrilled my gal carried a plate (with rolly meatballs) back to the table where we were sitting. Even if it meant reminders about holding the plate straight, she got there with it. I can relate and share joy in your victory.
Posted by: Kimberly | 10/13/2012 at 02:20 PM
love it! so great. way to go, elias!
Posted by: Greta | 10/13/2012 at 08:30 PM
Such a happy picture you paint. Love it!
Posted by: Erin | 10/14/2012 at 08:04 AM
Terrific! So happy to Heat you are back Art work and that Elias is managing beautifully in his owen so Much of the Time.
Danielle in Copenhagen. Typung in a Speichel in a foreign Language iPad. Even in Variation i Check in Vacation, Amit! Dammit!
Posted by: Danielle | 10/17/2012 at 12:07 PM