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so far we haven't felt much of this storm here in very eastern Canada but it hasn't really reached us yet, more rain is supposed to start later today. I too have been checking (mostly twitter) almost constantly yesterday and today. I have friends and family in DC, NYC and Boston as well as scattered elsewhere in areas near there.

My 85 year old uncle lives in Brooklyn, NY, alone and I have been checking in on him compulsively. He is fine, thank goodness, but there are some terrible stories out there.

Just read about the two boys swept out of the Mom's arms by a wave. Sitting in my bathrobe crying at the kitchen table...

s.e. hope that it didn't hit you too bad by the time Sandy made it that far North.

we're fine. we've had some wind and lots of days of on and off rain but nothing out of the ordinary at all.

Glad you are alright s.e. and that your Uncle is ok Danielle. I still cant get over the pictures and stories, especially from NY and NJ.

Haven't written for a bit b/c I had a paper due this week. And I've been a bit distracted by the news. All is well here and will write sometime this weekend.

I had to evacuate for a few days thinking that my neighborhood would flood and such, thank goodness it didn't. The whole experience has me thinking I should've moved to Alaska when I had the chance. First hurricane Irene now Sandy. I've had enough, and so have a lot of others.

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