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Beautiful! You definitely have captured your daughter!!

LOVE this so much. And you all too! xo

Beautiful. Just beautiful She, too, is a miracle to behold in her own way. I'm grateful to you for sharing her with us. Happy birthday to your sweet Olive/EvilO and happy birth-day to you, too!

What wonderful last two posts. Hope you have enjoyed family time and your cold has gone.

Beautiful, and breathtakingly honest about the highs and lows of three. Thank you for sharing!!

Tear jerker. Really beautiful way of conveying Olive in all her complexity. Happy Birthday to her!

Thanks all. You know after posting I kept thinking of all her little sayings and antics I forgot to include like: "I do it all by myself...Mama I need help!" Or her latest love of being a monster or a robot or a penguin and doing funny walks around the house. The way she declares she needs her backpack, every time we leave the house and likes to play school. "I the teacher. I get to play!"

Oh I love her so:)

Lovely tribute! Happy New Year to you all. May 2013 bring more Happiness and Adventure.

Now that she is 3, she can come be a Buddy Bear in preschool next year!

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