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Merry Christmas and what a fantastic moment to treasure forever.

love it! that makes my Christmas too! wishing you and your family a wonderful New Year Christy filled with more dancing in the kitchen and spontaneous sibling love.

Thank you Kate and Danielle for being such an important part of my cyber world of support.

Turns out what i thought was a cold was the flu/sinus infection/hives combo. No wonder why I've felt like shit. With the worst headache I can remember having ever. Ugh. Feeling a little more human today so I think I'm on the mend.

Woke early this morning wanting to write but little Olive followed me out of bed.

Since I'm too late for Merry Christmas... then Happy New Year! May 2013 bring plenty of those expressions of love, plus great adventures your way.

I'm late, but I hope your Christmas was merry! It sounds like a delightful start! Happy New Year to you all!

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