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UGH! What a crappy wk you've had, enough stress for 3 people let alone one. Hang in there! I hope this coming wk sucks less for u! I really hope it doesn't turn into "Happy Fucking February"! ;)

Love. That is all they need. That is all they crave. They don't always know how to tell us. Sometimes we forget how to say it. Dig for it because your well is deep. xx.

That is known around these parts as the terrible horrible no good very bad day and then I threaten to move to Australia. Hope the rest of the weekend was better!

It has been a rough week. Nick is also injured (bulging discs in his neck) so our household has been a bit stressed. And I'm just so damn tired. But on a positive note, Elias had a good end to his weekend. Went to bed easily last night and even pretended to be a "doggie" with his sister yesterday morning. I fed them dry bowls of Kix on the kitchen floor, I mean really, what can be better than that?

love picturing the kids playing doggie. anything to pass the long January nights. hang in there.

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