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I think you need to hold on to the very significant fact that you did not hit him, and remind yourself that feelings are what you have, and what counts is what you do. Many days you are the blogger I would most want to hug. Good luck to all of you.

I agree with Ann. You are human and even if Elias didn't have his issues one could definitely still lose one's patience. It happens to all parents. You and Nick are great parents. Smile, take a breath and have a beer or two!!

Oh, God, you are not only human...you are not alone. When I reach that point, the shame and the fear take a stranglehold. I get it. But you are NOT that mother you fear.

It's a difficult and delicate balance to maintain. Those are the times we all need to know there's a safety zone we can eithr put our child in or go to ourselves. And I don't mean that metaphorically.

Sending love, strength, patience...and self-forgiveness for those moments when you falter.

You write of the best of what is human. To feel- powerfully. To resist acting your own feelings- that is pure love. May we all have that strength. You inspire me.

Been there and done that. Being a parent is by far the hardest job I've ever had. Be gentle to yourself and keep writing your way through it. Sharing it always lightens the load for me. But I think these new glimmers of getting along well are so promising and there are bound to be small setbacks but look at the overall progress/trajectory. Hugs.

Thanks all for your words of understanding and support. What made this situation hard was I really thought for a moment that they were going to play well together again. But Kate is right, we have had more moments of sharing lately. More times when Elias uses his words instead of his hands. Times when Elias is easily redirected instead of melting down.

It helps to hear that other parents have felt this way. Even my own Mom with me. And thank you Sarah Lynn for reminding me that I did not hit him even if for a flash I could have. And Jojo, thank you, thank you for your respect and for helping me see the love within not acting.

I always feel better after writing. My New Year's resolution is to write every day, not always on the blog, in my journal too, but to take the time, even if its only a sentence. Maybe this way I'll be closer to a book come fall and regardless, I'll feel better mentally and spiritually.

Like the others have said you are only human and not alone...I too have often been that mother that I never, ever wanted to be. Thanks for being so honest and posting this...it makes me feel more accepting of my own dark moments.

I too have been there. I am grateful I have not made that leap, but I have felt myself on its very edge. Believe it or not, It's comforting for me to hear it from others as well. Patience is my New Years Resolution....peace to all.

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