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Wish we were closer to give you a BIG HUG and KISS. Wish life was easier for you. You and Nick are great parents - don't think otherwise.

It's so hard Christy. (((Hugs)))

I am so sorry. My younger brother was subject to terrible tantrums, but my other brother and I were older and larger, and learned readily to get out of the way. I am wishing coping skills for Olivia, and hoping time will alleviate the tantrums. I am confident nobody could do better than you and Nick.

That family you saw at the parking lot, you probably saw them on a good day. There has to be many days when that same older brother is chasing or yelling at his younger brother in public (and driving his mom crazy in the process)!!!

Torn between wanting to just say hugs or I get it and wanting to offer some hope or other comfort. So here's both. I do get it. Our oldest child continues to have periods of unpredictable and aggressive behavior toward me and his siblings. They are much more easy going so I do worry about how it affects them. But maybe because Elias was not like this at 3 maybe he is passing through aspects of that stage now with a need to lash out and control and be frustrated. I often feel with our kids their development is not linear so much as circuitous or something else. Maybe just a setback before a breakthrough I mean. In any case hugs and keep on sharing.

Thank you all for your love and support. I do hope this is a phase and not a permanent part of Elias's personality. The fact that he is the meanest to Olive, I believe speaks to some inner jealousy which I hope will get better and not worse with time. And she will grow less self-centered and hopefully be a good role model for him some day which is a lot to expect from a now three-year-old but I have to hang my hat somewhere. Good thing she is not a meek kid but a bit of a fireball so she can rill with a lot of his tantrums. Oh and I know there is no such thing as a perfect family but I just wish we had more moments of accord between siblings. Hoping for a better night tonight...

Wiping tears too. Sending *hugs* your way.

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