Rough morning with Elias.
"I just don't want to go to school!" he cried.
He refused to eat.
I had to dress him.
He cried some more.
He hit his Dad.
"I just want to stay home with Mom!"
And oh, how I wanted to wrap him up in my arms and say, "Ok. Lets just cuddle on the couch and read books. Let's bake cookies and break down the garden. Let's take a nap and ride our bikes. Let's just play all day."
Instead I said: "We all have jobs to do Elias. And yours and mine is to go to school."
Sometimes its so hard to be a grown up.
And even harder to be a kid.
So hard to start the day like this! We got off in the wrong foot this morning and I felt bad about it all day. Hope the other days are better!
Posted by: Kate | 09/13/2013 at 03:22 PM
The other days were better Kate, thanks, but emotionally I've been a bit off ever since. Waiting, I think, for the next eruption.
Posted by: Christy | 09/16/2013 at 08:59 PM