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Oh this is so hard for you Miss Active- you are so like your father- heaven forbid he should be off the ice!!! I always chuckle every year as they rush back from Florida so that your dad won't miss one more game on the ice! So looking forward to seeing them next year!

I hope it heals well, Christy. I don't know if it's the same for you, but I need to learn again and again the same lessons throughout life. And I thought I was pretty smart...

Hope it is just a strain and nothing worse! Feel like I keep getting the same lessons over and over again from the universe so must not be sinking in. Love this quote from Pema chodrun: nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know. I keep coming back to that line.

argh! I don't like hearing about injuries but they do remind us of how lucky we are hundreds of days out of the year. rest well and heal fast…..meanwhile snuggle with your kiddos.

Slowly recovering, but yes, my lessons seem set on repeat. Must still have a lot of learning to go...:)

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