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Holy shit! That's rich. That is parenthood. Learning to balance the scary and the fun.

Strangely appropriate that the blog before this was "we all fall down". So glad Olive is ok. Now it will become that memory when Olive says, "mom, remember when....". This kid thing is scary.

Whats interesting is my girl who usually loves a dramatic story did not want me to tell Dad or Elias or even Grandma about it, I guess it was scary enough that she's not ready to relive it yet. And every day since when I picked her up from school she said in the car, "I don't want to go to the lake." Poor kid. And yes , scary indeed:)

Thank you for being - always - so honest. We all screw up, we all do, and I think it's a gift to raise our children to see that it's not important how often we fall, it's really about learning to bounce back. And keep bouncing. And to ask for help when we need a hand. As one who was beating myself up earlier today for what felt like a huge mistake that lead to crying on the first day of Kindergarten - thanks for the reminder.

Olive is a bada$$ just like her mom. So relieved you are all home safely. Thank you for such a poignant post. When we let ourselves grieve, we open up to the joy. Truism.


I know its tough to think about a 5th grader wearing diapers to school.. but if it makes you feel any better..im resorting to substitute teaching wearing diapers..yes, my incontince is back..reoccured in May.. went away briefly when i was undergoing biofeedback.. But now its back.. I may not have kept up with my regimen exactly.. but i tried.. Actually.. I manage quite well.. using a bodystocking aka adult onesie to hide it.. and it works.. I know him saying blatanly he needs changing doesnt help privacy matters.. but in regards to his diaper showing..perhaps a bodysuit would help..and there are tablets called nullo that help with fecal odor..not sure if they are meant for chldren though..hope this helps..he and you are NOT alone!

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