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Christy, so sorry about your pain. :( You carry so much "pain" from all of us - students and staff. We could all learn a lesson or two or three from Elias, and you. namaste.

Oh, bummer about your back!
The sock may have been the straw that broke the camel's back, but there's plenty that led up to that...probably including that hockey game. Speedy healing to you!

Get well soon, Christy. So sorry this happened. Little comfort, but you're not the only one. No matter how much I told myself I would not slow down with age, the ol' body had another plan. I can only stay as active as it will let me - but yeah, I still push the limits. Bet you will, too. But take it easy right now! Rest, heal.
Speaking with my back on an electric hot pad, feet up on an exercise ball (ain't the first time)...

Hope you're already feeling better! So hard to allow others to care for us when we are down but hope you will be able to take it easy for a little while. Also loved the thanksgiving post and I am grateful for your beautiful writing.

Thanks all! Sitting here with a hot pad now, still sore but so much more mobile already. I can walk and bend without the sharp nerve pain, just muscle aches now. I sure do miss being outside and playing though and my mood has matched my physical state:( Hard time of year to be hurt. Wah...I am a puddle:)

what a handsome and capable boy. "you done good".

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