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This so reminds me of Toby at 11 - Toby is still affectionate and huggy (though he has stopped unwanted affection towards peers).

This sentence resonates so so so clearly: You could be a tour guide, an architect, a greeter, a map maker, you could design your own home or live with us till we pass.

That about sums it up - we just don't know, and it's full of wonder.

"New this year, you also want to hug a few of your female classmates, especially the nice pretty ones." -- oy, I hadn't thought about that challenge. That will be tricky to navigate, won't it? Do you know some parents of older kids with similar-ish issues to Elias who can tell you what it was like for them?
Love the photo!

Wow what a great picture of the two of them.
Whatever you do, never stop writing!!

Thank you Sara for sharing about Toby. Tabatha, I do have some friends with older kids who have promised he will learn not to hug/touch everyone, and I sure hope so. Its hard b/c those of us who interact with him all the time are use to him leaning/touching etc and now i find myslef remining him about my personal space more in hopes he will translate it to others. But I'm, Mom:)

And yes, Noel, I'll keep writing...

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