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Great post and so true. My heart breaks for these refugees trying to flee a life we cannot even imagine.

You draw a perfect analogy, Christy. My 14-yr-old daughter is doing a school project on discrimination, and she selected American Muslims for her topic. She contacted a local mosque and they were so responsive to her request for an interview. It happened to be scheduled this past weekend, and the horror and sadness the Muslims she interviewed felt about the Paris attacks was palpable. Also the fear they would be held responsible was heightened. The 90 minutes she spent with them was enlightening but she noted those who would benefit most from such an encounter were unlikely to sign up for it. So she is figuring out a way to present her findings in a way her classmates (mostly white privileged males) might relate to. The mass murder example you gave is one she is considering. I'll show her your post and let her know she's on the right track. Thanks for writing about this.

Kristen it sounds like you have an amazing daughter, tell her I support the work she's doing and wish I had opened myself up more to different groups when I was 14.

Thank you Christine and Teresa, I keep thinking about all the 1,000s of children who just want a safe place to play and sleep.

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