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Big hug.

Christy, you are such a strong mother. I only wish I had your kind of patience. I think of you often and your blog, your you when we lived in the coop, or spoke as poets with Blackfeather. I'm truly amazed and blessed to have met you and had you in my life. And those darling babes of yours are even more so lucky and blessed to have you and Nick as parents. Thank you for sharing your life with us.

Aw, thank you Danielle:)

Jenny, so good to hear from you I have many fond memories of our time together!

So heartbreaking. You are brave to share so much difficult stuff. There is nothing as isolating as being the mother of a child with disabilities. I am lucky that she is my youngest and the hardest times with her have been as she got older and my boys are older and grown but she has suffered from her inability to understand family crises because of her disabilities.

Christy, I want to remind you that even though I do not comment much, I always read your posts and I always feel impacted by them in some way, whether it's the beauty of your words or the pain or joy of your stories. I'm out here gathering something from you and I offer nothing in return, except this little reminder that I am here, and I bet there are so many people doing the same! - including my mom and dad, who I bet you've never heard from! So, thanks.

You are amazing!

Good to hear from you Al and I have hear from your parents in the past so its nice to know you are all still reading. One of these days I'd love to see you and your family.

Thanks all for your love and support!

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