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Love you. All I can say.

Oh Christy.
Rough ride lately.
If you were here (but the State Department has issued a warning for travel to Europe!) I'd pour you a glass of wine and tell you about all the times I have whispered to my husband "I can't stand that kid!"
It's not the same, really, I know: Elias has so many more legitimate reasons to be pissed at the world than most kids. So I am not making any comparisons. Just hugging you across a continent and an ocean.

Danielle, I'd take that glass of wine and thank you for letting me know you sometimes whisper those words too. It helps and I'll take that hug too:)

Love you back Dave.

We all whisper those words - typical development or not! You are not alone and super brave for sharing.

Not alone for sure. Hugs. Keep sharing. We are all in this together.

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