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I love that his smile is taking up his whole face! Couldn't help but notice his hands are looking like adult hands, not little boy hands anymore. I so miss the days my boy loved his Thomas the Train and do look forward to seeing what's in store for us. But, really just miss the train days more at this stage. Having kids does truly change everything, especially our emotions.

Olive will wear Converse. But in the meantimeI advise buying an old pair of heels for dress up along with all the other girlie accoutrements--hats and dresses and pearly and a three piece suit and a tie and whatever else you do not have lying around the house, dumping itin a chest, and letting her try on and try out whatever she wants to get it all out of her system. And tell her she looks great! She will figure out al by herself that the heels are wobbly and the hats blow off in a breeze, and it will mean more having come from experience. And if she occasionally wants to bust out of Alaska mode and put on red heels, go girl! AND CONGRATS ELIAS!!

So right

So true. Holding on and letting go. In all the realms. The kids. Work. All of it. Thanks for this beautiful piece.

been away from the computer for Spring Break and am just reading/publishing all your wonderful comments now. Thank you.

So i did just get a pair of heels that will be in her Easter basket, not for school but for playing dress up. I remember the big chest of dress up clothes that I played with as a kid and yes, Olive deserves some of her own.

And yes, Elias's hands are now bigger than mine. I've been reading early blog posts from his first three years and I miss those days. These kids just keep growing and changing and its hard to let go of the different stages.

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